1. Birth of the universe [6:04]
2. Close elections [5:43]
3. Peaceful abyssal dream n° 1 [3:16]
4. Busy ants nest [3:30]
5. Boiling temper [2:48]
6. Streching cells [5:43]
7. Watching the coast from the sky [4:09]
8. The terrorist [0:37]
9. Man with lost essence [2:31]
10. Jellyfish love parade [4:52]
Musiche create per STAMINALIA - A DREAM AND A TRIAL (Lisbona 2010, Gulbenkian Foundation). Fluttuazioni e trasformazioni di forme generative, spinte da forze addensanti e dispersive come cumuli di nuvole o voli di stormi, caotiche solo in apparenza. Figlie della necessitĂ , fecondata dal caso, padre mutevole e ritroso. Cose nate.
Created for STAMINALIA - A DREAM AND A TRIAL (Lisbona 2010, Gulbenkian Foundation). Fluctuations, transformations of generative shapes, driven by forces such as thickeners and dispersed cumulus of clouds or flocks flight, seemingly chaotic. Daughters of the need, fertilized by chance, changeable and backwards father. Things born.