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.1.   B e g i n n i n g s
The "world of sounds", the acoustic radiation in which we are constantly immersed, it's the area that I've always felt closest to my sensory and expressive skills. I searched instinctively, faced the first difficulties on the instrument, the way of the invention. It was immediately clear to me the distinction between the moment of execution and that of creation: the second was infinitely more interesting, intimate and profound for me.

.2.  T r a i n i n g
It was based in particular on inner listening, in a relationship with practice and learning in which the historical dimension, genealogy and technique were to serve the routes of perception. Experienced the different forms of popular and non-European music, the Western classical tradition - up to the most advanced styles and technologies of my time - was the beacon of my evolution. During my studies I continually rediscovered that the nucleus of my expressive possibilities lay precisely in instinctive conquests, without which no rule took on meaning. The former were the necessary instrument for critically monitoring and judging assumptions and validity of the latter, supported by the presumption necessary for the art of incorporating the source, the ur-stoßen (original thrust).

.3.   P r a x i s
The composition is a mental map that asks the territory to adhere to it, in a process of isomorphic transformation of thought. It sometimes originates from gesture, or movement, seeking in a free and associative form the crystallization of an expression of a somatocentric nature. The musician is the instrument that recomposes man through sound.

.4.   D e s t i n y
So far it has been an extraordinary journey. The urgency and joy of expressing silence are as powerful today as when I left. I tried to ensure that the purely physical experience had resonances both in interiority and in the reality that surrounds me, to really feel the breath of life, which I tried to breathe fully and deeply.
I proceed by scrutinizing the second border, in the ceaseless light of the friend of my youth, Giovanni Battista Zotti, who still urges us not to be afraid of being what we are. Nor the becoming.

Francesco Rampichini
Milan, August 2010

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