Feel The Stars
Acousmetric journey across the constellations through interactive maps

A journey across Zodiacal (and other) constellations, their myth, prejudice and reality, that involve astronomy, poetry and music, through Acousmetry®, a new language that allow to translate in sounds the constellations maps, in a kind of “auditory sheet”.
Innovative aspects
Hear the stars conjugates the intents of a definitely new enterprise, addressed to the large public, which includes blind people, whom we want to say: the light is sound, listen to it.
Thus offers a new sensorial way for the knowledge ofconstellations, that send us their light radiation after travelling immense distances. Since the speed of light in vacuum is approximately 300,000 km/sec., the Moon we see, at an average distance of 376,000 km, is of 1 second ago, the Sun of approximately 8 minutes before, and Proxima Centauri, the closer star after the Sun, is already 4 years ago (40,000 billion km).
The Hubble telescope has photographed galaxies whose signal has started 8 billion years ago: for this, looking at the sky, we penetrate not only the space, but also the time.

The acting voice introduces the acousmetric code and lead the exploration of the constellations, transformed into sounds and animated in an alternation of poetic melodrama on original texts (Ben note stelle e nuove).


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(pdf): English |

It is not a coincidence that in Sanskrit, ancient of the Indo-European language from which comes many of our words, sound is "Svara" and light is "Svar": the two phenomena are united in their phonetic affinity.

© Francesco Rampichini 2006-2015

Orion's acousmetric map.


Appropriate arrangement of
an acousmetric audience.
(click to enlarge)

Project for an exhibition::